Ideas for "Gifts"

Father's Day “Treat Bag”:  Have each child put the following snacks in a paper bag and staple on a note you type explaining the significance of each -
Tootsie Roll - to show the big "roll" you play in my life;  100 Grand Candy Bar - to show you how much you are worth to me;  Bag of Popcorn - to let you know that without our "Pop", our family would not be "corn"-plete;  Bag of Peanuts - to tell you I'm "nuts" over you;  Hershey Kiss - to show you how much I love you;  Mint - to show my appreciation of your commint"mint" to me;  Roll of Lifesavers - for how you protect me from danger and show me right from wrong. 

Drawing Collection  
Start a collection of the kids drawings (all on same size paper) and artwork and put them into a three ring binder.   Decorate the covers with stickers and pictures of the child. 
Snack Cans  
Make "snack cans" for father's day.  Small coffee cans, cleaned up, decorated by the children and then filled with a mix of pretzels, peanuts, etc.     
Trace the babies feet onto construction paper. These will be butterfly wings. Cut out a contrasting piece of construction paper for the body; same thing for the antennas. Glue them onto a larger piece of construction paper and write above and below " I LOVE YOU DAD - FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY SOLE.   
Coffee Can Treats  
Take big coffee cans and paint them with primer. The children put their handprints on them, names and Happy Father's Day 200_.   Make chocolate covered pretzels and/or make cookies.  Get or make little packs of coffee   Put all this in (Put tissue paper in each can) and give to them.   

Car Air Fresheners  
Make car air fresheners for their dads. Cut two black circles out of construction paper. Have the children paint one - we used gold and silver liquid water colors. On the other circle paste a picture of the child cut a little smaller than the circle. In the border write "You make my world go 'round Happy Father's Day!" Cut up air fresheners to put inside or spray with the other kind. Punch a hole on top and add yarn. 
Father's Day Wallet Card  
Cut cards from card stock the size of a credit card. Let the kids paint, draw, collage, or decorate the card in anyway that they would like for their daddy. When finished, laminate the cards. Daddy will have the perfect wallet size piece of artwork to remember their child by. 
Stepping Stones  
Make stepping stones. just loves them. Children put handprints in the cement and then write their name and the year.Typically, open-ended art – stressing the process not the product - is most appropriate for young children.  A few times a year, however, it serves a purpose to create a craft-type of keepsake gift for parents.  Remember though – the more that the child does and contributes, the more meaningful it will be to parents!
My hands were once so tiny. I needed so much care. Thank you so much, Daddy. For always being there!     

Father's Day Footprint Craft  
Print the following poem out in a very large footprint and then have the child make a footprint over the words with watered down tempera paint. Laminate it and put string on the back for hanging. 
     Footprints "Walk a little slower daddy," said a child so small. "I'm following in your footsteps and I don't want to fall.  Sometimes your steps are very fast, Sometimes they're hard to see; So walk a little slower, Daddy, For you are leading me. Someday when I'm all grown up, You're what I want to be; Then I will have a little child Who'll want to follow me. And I would want to lead just right, And know that I was true; So, walk a little slower, Daddy, For I must follow you. 

Father's Shirt  
Take a piece of construction paper and hold it like a hotdog bun. Fold the top down to the bottom. Then take the paper and turn it so that the fold is on the right side. Then go down about an inch from the top and on both sides of the paper cut about 2" in (on each side) but NOT all the way in to the middle. These two cuts with make the collar if you fold the two pieces down to the middle. Add a wallpaper tie . You can cut the folded side so that it will open up and put a poem on the inside. You could add a pocket and fill it with "coupons" for dad.   

Pencil Holder  
Cover a nice size or odd shaped jar with masking tape ripped in small pieces, making sure it is covered well overlapping in all directions. Once covered wipe on brown paste shoe polish with an old rag. Rub in well. Apply again and wipe again. It looks like leather when done.  To hold pencils etc. for their desk.   
Key Chains  
Cut off curved sides from meat trays. Have children decorate using permanent markers . With a black permanent marker write  message. If possible, have the children write it with a pencil first and then trace with marker. (Happy Fathers Day, etc) . With a sharp instrument make a hole in the meat tray close to the edge but not too close. Write the kids name and the date and any other special message also with permanent marker. Place the meat trays on a cookie sheet lined with foil and place in a low oven for 2-5 minutes. (Keep an eye on them as they tend to roll up and stick together) The meat trays heat up, shrink and get hard.  Add a key ring in the hole and made key chains for Father's Day. 

Stress Ball  
Fill a latex examination glove with clean sand.  Let the children do all of this. Fill the glove until it s very full. Then tie it in a knot. Let the children decorate it with permanent markers all colors. On the palm area write: To the best Dad, Hands Down! On the fingers add smile faces. : ) add hair etc...Write: I Love You down the fingers. Write: Happy Father's Day on the back palm area. Add fingernails, color them red. Add rings ....get creative. Great stress reliever. You can lay it flat & press down on the palm area to. It can hold small coins.. You also need to squeeze out any air that is inside the glove so you don't have a bubble. 

Key Holder  
Material for each project: one 2 X 5 inch rectangular shaped piece of 1 inch thick wood, 2 or 3 screw in type cup hooks, paint, spray type varnish (for teacher use only), saw tooth hanger.  Have children paint the wood.. Write their names on the back (teacher can add the year, too). Screw in the cup hooks at the bottom section (the 2 inch side) of the rectangle. Attach saw tooth hanger to the top of the back for hanging on wall. When finished teacher can give a quick spray of a finishing varnish to keep the paint from chipping or rubbing off the key holder. 

Wrapping Paper  
Let the children wrap their gifts in wrapping paper they have made from newsprint stamped with fish shaped sponge painting (or car/truck sponge shapes). 
Paper Weight  
A rock paper weight - have children paint it any colors they want. Add googly eye's that move, a felt nose, mouth, ears, tail etc. Put felt on the bottom of the rock you have a paperweight. 
Sand Candles  
Fill a baby food jar with colored sand and insert wick. Next, pour melted wax on top. (To make colored sand mix salt and food coloring then microwave for a few seconds) 
More Sand Candles 
Fill a shallow pan with sand. Make an impression in the sand, add the wick and pour melted wax in the sand. Layer with different colors. After the wax has cooled remove candle. Some of the sand will stick to wax. 

Father's Day Treat Cup  
Take a regular plastic cup (tumbler)  Let the children decorate outside w/marker. Help them write the occasion : Happy Fathers Day! Love you! etc...  Then let the kids fill w/ goodies for their Dad!   Ex:  a baggie of gummie bears, some gum, a small notepad  (on the first page you can make a coupon for Dad to “Take the whole day OFF!”, etc. 
Chef Hat  
Chef's hats.  Decorate them with their dads favorite tees, fishing lures, sports themes, cars, etc...

Picture Frame Ideas  
Make a Fathers Day frame out of picture matting with seashells glued on to decorate it.  Another Fathers Day frame can be a cutout of child's hand. 
Coupon Book 
Make Fathers Day coupons for chores, breakfast in bed, a big kiss, a neck rub, etc. 
Card containing a poem from the child, or dictate their answer to “What do you like best about your father?” 

Father's Day Collage  
Father collage from pictures of men and children cut from magazines - have them dictate a story describing their choices and what they mean. 
Another Pencil Holder  
A pencil holder, decorate a strip of construction paper in any fashion then contact paper it around a can brought from home. 
Storage Containers for Dad  
Decorate baby food jars for Dad to use in the garage to hold nuts, bolts, and screws. 
Wind Chimes  
Make mobile (wind chimes) out of old screws , nuts , and bolts. Use old scraps of wood and used fishing line to connect the nuts and bolts to the old piece of wood. 
Nail Aprons  
Decorate nail aprons & give to dad.   Use permanent sharpie markers & some fabric paint.  Let children put on a few handprints & use different colored markers.   
Personalized Tie 
Get a plain white or off white tie and different colors of fabric paint. Dip the children's hands into the paint and press onto the tie making handprints. Put hand prints all over the tie and let dry.... 
Plate Tie  
Use a 9 inch paper plate. Draw a circle in the middle of the plate - the circle should include the "flat part" of the plate that is in the middle, but not the "ribbed part" of the outside of the plate. Make one cut through the plate in the ribbed area to get to the circle and then cut the circle out. You should now have a circle and a ring (the ring is the ribbed part). Draw the shape of a tie (the large diamond look) in the middle of the circle and cut out. Make sure the tie starts at one side of the circle and ends at the other side so your tie will be as long as possible. This cut out shape should look like the part of a tie you see laying on the front of a man's shirt when he is wearing the tie. Staple the tie shape to the ring shape. Place the staple on the opposite side of the cut you made through the ring shape. You should be able to slip the ring around your neck like a necklace and the tie shape should be resting on your chest just like a real tie. The ring around your neck is what holds the tie on. You may decorate your tie with crayons, markers, paint, glitter, buttons, sequins, or anything else you would like to add. You can also stamp or sponge paint your tie. 

Soap On A Rope  
In a bowl pour approx. 3 cups of soap flakes. Add 1 to 1 1/2 cups of water with a few drops of food coloring added to it. With your hands mix the contents until it forms the consistency of playdough. To shape it, take a drop or two of vegetable oil and rub it between the palm of your hands. Then shape anyway you wish. If you want soap on a rope, cut a piece of string and tie the ends together. Push the knotted end gently into your finished shape. To help with the shapes, you could also use cookie cutters or playdough molds. Let soap dry and set over night. 

Father's Day Pop-Up Card  

Materials: Pencil, Scissors, Glue, A ruler, 2 sheets of colored paper (approximately 8.5" x 11"), Crayons, Markers, Glitter 
Hold one piece of paper with the short side at the bottom. Fold in half, bringing the top down. Firmly crease the fold with your fingernail. Using your ruler and pencil, make a dot at the center of the creased fold. Measure one inch to the right of this center dot, and using the ruler draw a straight 2" line (at right angle to crease). Repeat the measure and cut on the left side. At this point you should have two 2" slits at the top of your card. Open the card, positioning the center, cut out, section forward. It should form a cube when opened. Crease the front and bottom section of the cube, and close the card, folding the cube flat (facing toward you so that it pops up when you open the card). Take the second piece of paper and glue it to the other side of the card. Your Father's Day card will be rectangular (approximately 5.5" X 8.5") and will open from the bottom. For the pop-up you can draw and then cut out a heart or other design of your choice (make it taller than the box - around 3" high and about 2" wide). Be creative! You might want to cut out a picture to place on the pop-up cube or glue on a family portrait. Put glue on the cube section only and fold the card closed, being certain the pop-up lies flat. Your design will pop up, covering much of the cube when the card is opened. You might want to write Happy Father's Day on the front of your card, with a message to Dad inside. Color and decorate the card, inside and out using crayons, markers, and glitter, etc. 
Father's Day Tie 
Cut out ties about 8 - 10 inches long out of construction paper. Have the children decorate them with paints. On the back put their names and date and laminate it. Put a piece of elastic through two holes punched into the top on each side. 

Pat On The Back For Dad  

Materials: Men's T-shirts, Fabric Paint. 
Have the children make hand-prints on the back of the T-shirts, then write, "This Dad Needs A Pat On The Back." 
Souper Dad  
Each child brings a can of their dad's favorite soup. Take a piece of construction paper the size of the can label. Let the children decorate the label using markers, crayons, stickers, etc. Make a tag that says, "Souper Soup For A Souper Dad."  Put a stick bow on top of the can. 
Dad's Bookmark  
Cut a bookmark whatever size you would like. Have the children watercolor one side with Q-tips and on the other side put date and message to dad. When dry, laminate it and tie a ribbon through a hole punched out on top. 
Father's Day Cards  
Materials: Assorted colors of paint, Construction paper, Copier paper, Stickers, crayons, markers, etc. 
Talk to the children about things they can do around the house to help their dads. Then help them make a "helping hands" Father's Day card. Give each child 4 pieces of white copier paper and have them make hand-prints on each sheet. When they are dry, make a cover out of construction paper and staple the children's papers inside. Let the children decorate their covers. The dads can then tear out the pages of the card and present them to the children when they need a "helping hand." 
Puzzle Pictures 
Materials: 8 x 10 pieces of posterboard, Various old puzzles with missing pieces, 5 x 7 pieces of construction paper, Paint, Glue 
Using the paint, have the children make a hand print on the 5 x 7 piece of paper. Glue the hand-prints onto the posterboard. Let the children glue the puzzle pieces on the poster board, around the hand print to create a frame. 
Pop’s Pencil Holder  
Materials: Popsicle sticks, Glue, Paint (two or more different colors), Tomato sauce can (remove one end of the can and paper). 
Paint Popsicle sticks whatever colors you have chosen. When these have dried, glue them to the tomato sauce can (vertically) 
Hershey's Kiss Paper Weight  
In a plastic champagne glass, stuff tissue, or paper towel into the stem about 1/2 way. Mix plaster of paris according to the instructions and pour into the glass. Allow to harden. Pop out the plaster when dry. Paint with brown tempera paint and wrap in aluminum foil with a strip of paper with a catchy saying. What you have is a big Hershey's kiss paper weight. 
Hand Print Art  
Give Dad a lasting impression of their hands   With good watercolor paper each child picks out acrylic paint in the color of their choice. Purchase a frame, glass & mat. Paint each child hand with the paint using a foam brush then positioned their hand over the paper & pressed..........then take a gold paint marker & made a bow on the index finger. Then in the upper corner in calligraphy write......."Dad we have you wrapped around our fingers." 

Cookie Jar  
Make dad a cookie jar!   Use a small can (formula size) or a coffee can..  Wrap around can with construction paper that children have decorated.  Fill with cookies the children have made, or candy.  
